Blessed Hope Baptist Church
1950 – 2024+
Blessed Hope Baptist Church was founded by Rev. Jesse E. Green in May of 1950, he sought to hold a revival in Wallisville Garden Addition. The first meeting was held in this dwelling on May 1, 1950 with 19 people in attendance. Rev. Green preached from John 1:15 on the subject, “Jesus Turns on the Lights”. On April 28, 2012, God sent Rev. Jacques D. Denkins to be the fourth Pastor of Blessed Hope Baptist Church, affectionally known as “The Hope”. Pastor Denkins came with unity and love in his heart and we are thankful to God for placing with us a faithful and dedicated spirit-filled servant. Let us continue to ask God to strengthen and unite us together, in great numbers. Allowing God to use us as co-laborers on His mission of “Building up the Body of Christ”.